[Brainstorming ideas] These are just ideas i have for the pet features for the BlushyFaceBot, feel free to contribute. The plan is to start coding this into the BlushyFaceBot as soon as the ideas are finalized in the initial version. Some of the items below are already done or atleast being worked on but i want to make sure before i do any further coding the things i have won't be changed during the development of the game. +pet creation general --> !createpet should be handled by bot whisper, so to create a pet, whisper the bot with the command !createpet ? pet names should be unique? ---> note: to enable whisper, viewers stil have to have whispers enabled by typing !notifyme or they wont receive any whispers from bot --> pet owner can have 1 or more pets, max x pets (1 active, or all pets active?) ? pet stats can be viewed by pet owner only or all..? --> release a pet, command !release , when released add pet name into some history or just release as is without any history of owned pet? ---> when a viewer has more pets than max allowed, he/she can release a pet to free up room before creating a new one +pet creation stats When creating a pet, there should be a max amount of points to distribute into the different stats (100?) to make balancing initial pet creation easier. A pet should have atleast these stats: -> stats (currently, may add or remove later) --> hitpoints (if lower or equal 0, pet becomes unusable, perm death or reviving possible? with item?) --> energy (skill costs) --> damage (base damage, added to the skill damage) ? minimum damage, should there be a min damage? if so how should that be calculated? --> agility (dodge, when dodged dmg = 0) --> crit chance (when crit, ake crit damage bonus as new damage) --> crit damage bonus (multiplier x 1.1/1.2/1.3 etc.. ) --> affinity (fire/ice/nature/light/dark/neutral) each affinity have pros and cons against other affinity except neutral ---> ideas what pros/cons against each type? or don't add affinity to pets to not complicate things? --> food (hungry, decreases over time, increase with food items) ---> when food reached 0, hp will slowly decrease until 0, which in turn brings the pet status to dead. ----> should bot whisper be send to viewer when food is low? --> happiness (decreases over time/inactive/idle pet/increase with items that give happiness, such as toy items or play with pet to increase this stat) --> level (starts at level 1,unless defined otherwise) --> status -> alive/dead/released, other statuses?, when pet status is dead it cannot be used anymore, permadeath? revivable? ---> exp needed to next level, base is 100exp? level gain is new level = currentlevel + (requiredexplevel/2), or suggest a leveling formula -> skills --> damage, healing skills --> attributes such as, is this skill a healing or damage skill + effects like burn/freeze/poison --> skill costs, costs as in energy it takes to activate the skill, energy replenishes after x time --> turn costs, turns to reactivate the skill (maybe just take energy costs and not also ahve turn costs) Each pet can have x skills available determined by current level, example, a level 14 pet can have 4 skills while a level 6 pet can have 2, should all unlocked skills be available to use or subselect max x skills to use for pet battles. This can make battles more exciting or more annoying depending on the chosen skills and the skills of the opponent. +pet profile --> pet profile stats contain basic pet info about the pet (done via bot whisper?) --> command should look like --> !checkpet ? ---> output will be petname, petlevel, pettype, petstatus, petdmg, petdef, pet food, pet happiness status etc.. what exactly should the output be? +pet leveling When leveling, the stats are increased, the rate it increases is determined per pet, stats points that are gained max 10? divided into statsgrowthhp, statsgrowthdefense, statsgrowthagility etc per level in the pet file. (combined cannot exceed 10) these skills will then be used to level, example when statsgrowthhp = 4 and basic pet hp = 10, a level 1 pet hp = 14, while a level 5 pet hp = 30 (10 + 20) --> base damage (the damage is added to the skill, example: skill1 does 10 dmg, base damage of pet is 2, total damage = 12) --> defense , when defense exceed attack dmg, should there be a chance for minimum damage or nullify the attack? --> agility, change to dodge the attack, taking 0 damage --> max food (the higher the food stats the longer the pet can function without eating) ---> when food = 0, the pet will take damage per turn when in battle, or should this not be added? --> happiness is NOT included in leveling besides setting it to max when leveling (max is 200 very happy pet, 100 is default and 0 is very unhappy pet) ---> the happiness stats will also affect all other stats such as damage/defense/agility/crit chance and damage +pet items items can be used to improve the pet stats --> an item has a costs --> an item can be defined as consumable or one time usage --> an item can boosts stats temporarily or permanently --> items can drop from bot --> what stat should an item have? ? type of items, what type of items should there be available to use? +pet battles --> viewer x challenges y goes first --> battles are 1v1 pets? or multiple pets --> check if pets are similiar level before sending challenge or battle always regardless of level (prob not fair, new pets vs higher level ones) --> item usage --> able to form a party and team up for 3v3 battles? --> when a battle starts show on stream? --> when a battle happens, let viewers who arent participating vote who they think will win? Rewards for winning? --> should viewer vs npc battles be shown on stream? --> should viewer vs viewer battles be shown on stream? ---- the things below will only be worked on after the basic pet functions are working properly ---- + pet art each pet will have art that shows how the pet looks like. (pet specific animations will be used/added when using petskills for the user interface) --> + userinterface / messages ? how should the userinterface look like? --> how should the battle art/pet art look like? show pet image/stats like hp: 92/100 / energy: 48/62 etc like a bar next to the pet + avatar of the pet owner? --> size of game window? --> add system messages such as x started a battle against y and/or show who won/lost on stream as a log on stream? + pet story mode --> create a story. if this is going to be added, the story mode basically replaces the game stream and this will be shown instead ---> pets fight other npc pets one or everyone in chat ? ---> those that participate earn exp/items, need to work this one out + pet minigames --> command !exploredungeon --> pet dungeon (send pet to auto fight for x time, this makes the pet unusable for battle as long as its in a dungeon) ---> when send to a pet dungeon, the pet will auto fight for x time and can bring back exp/items, the higher the difficulty the rewarding the items ---> if pet dies during exploring, status will be dead and no items will be rewarded so there is a certain risk to let pets explor higher levels + pet sound effects --> add sound to pets? if so, where would/should/can i get the sound effects? Make my own? Ask people? +viewer/profile related --> when battling, gold can be earned when defeating npc or viewer pets which can be spend on buying items in shop --> available items can be viewed in viewer profile +shop --> randomize items available per x hour? ---> global shop or everyone or specific shop for each viewer?